Connecting with Connecting with Gen Z: Modern Insight for Australian Businesses


Gen Z, born between 1997 and 2012, are the first generation to grow up with the internet at their fingertips. They are tech-savvy, socially conscious, and value authenticity above all else. Unlike previous generations, they aren’t swayed by traditional advertising; instead, they seek out brands that align with their values and offer meaningful experiences. For Australian brands, this means shifting from conventional marketing tactics to strategies that prioritize transparency, inclusivity, and digital engagement.


  1. Authenticity is Non-Negotiable

Gen Z can spot inauthenticity from a mile away. They value brands that are transparent and true to their mission. In Australia, brands like Thankyou Group have successfully tapped into this by being completely open about their business model and social impact. Thankyou’s ‘100% of profits for ending global poverty’ message resonates deeply with Gen Z, who appreciate brands with a genuine commitment to making a difference.

Practical Tip: Make sure your brand’s values and mission are not just words on a website. Embed them into every aspect of your business, from product development to customer service. Use behind-the-scenes content to show how your brand lives its values daily.

  1. Social Media Savvy

Social media is Gen Z’s playground, and it’s where they interact with brands the most. However, the key to engaging with them isn’t just about having a presence on social media platforms—it’s about creating content that they find relatable and shareable. In Australia, Cotton On has mastered this by using TikTok and Instagram to launch viral challenges and user-generated content campaigns that encourage their young audience to participate actively.

Practical Tip: Invest in platforms where Gen Z spends their time, like TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat. Create content that invites interaction, such as challenges, polls, or behind-the-scenes footage. Ensure your content is visually appealing and fits seamlessly into the native experience of these platforms.

  1. Purpose-Driven Marketing

For Gen Z, purchasing decisions are often driven by a brand’s stance on social and environmental issues. They want to support companies that are committed to sustainability, diversity, and ethical practices. Australian brand Who Gives a Crap is a great example, selling eco-friendly toilet paper and donating 50% of their profits to improve sanitation in developing countries. This strong purpose-driven approach has garnered a loyal Gen Z customer base.

Practical Tip: Identify social causes that resonate with your brand and audience, and make them a core part of your brand identity. Be transparent about your efforts and results, whether it’s through impact reports or regular updates on social media.

  1. Inclusive and Diverse Representation

Gen Z expects brands to be inclusive and reflect the diversity they see in their daily lives. This means more than just token representation—it’s about genuinely embracing and celebrating diversity in all its forms. Australian skincare brand Go-Tohas embraced this by featuring a wide range of skin types and tones in their marketing materials, ensuring that everyone feels represented.

Practical Tip: Audit your brand’s imagery, messaging, and product offerings to ensure they are inclusive. Highlight diverse voices in your campaigns and ensure that inclusivity is woven into the fabric of your brand, not just used as a marketing gimmick.

  1. Interactive and Immersive Experiences

Gen Z craves experiences, not just products. Brands that can create immersive and interactive experiences—whether online or offline—are more likely to capture their attention. For instance, Red Bull Australia has engaged Gen Z through extreme sports events and virtual reality experiences that go beyond traditional marketing.

Practical Tip: Consider how your brand can create memorable experiences for Gen Z. This could be through virtual reality events, interactive online content, or pop-up experiences that allow them to engage with your brand in a fun and meaningful way.

  1. Collaboration and Co-Creation

Gen Z loves to be involved in the creation process. They value brands that seek their input and offer opportunities to co-create products or content. In Australia, Koala Mattresses has tapped into this by involving customers in product development and using their feedback to refine and launch new offerings.

Practical Tip: Open up channels for Gen Z to co-create with your brand. This could be through online surveys, beta testing programs, or social media contests where they can contribute ideas and vote on new products or designs.

  1. Sustainability as a Standard

Sustainability is not just a trend for Gen Z; it’s an expectation. They prefer brands that prioritize eco-friendly practices and sustainable products. Bondi Wash, an Australian brand, has capitalized on this by offering natural, plant-based cleaning products that align with Gen Z’s desire for sustainability.

Practical Tip: Evaluate your supply chain, packaging, and product materials to ensure they meet sustainability standards. Communicate your efforts transparently, and make sustainability a cornerstone of your brand’s value proposition.


Tapping into Gen Z in Australia requires more than just understanding their preferences—it demands a commitment to authenticity, purpose, and engagement. By aligning your brand with the values that matter most to this generation, creating interactive and inclusive experiences, and leveraging social media effectively, you can build lasting relationships with Gen Z consumers.

Remember, this generation doesn’t just want to buy from brands; they want to believe in them. Your brand’s success in connecting with Gen Z will hinge on your ability to demonstrate genuine commitment to the causes they care about and provide experiences that resonate deeply with their values and lifestyle. The brands that will win Gen Z’s loyalty are those that are not just present in their world, but truly part of it.

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